Bridwell Kryptonese Font

For information on where this font came from, please see the other two pages in this section.

With the passing of Turniansky, it was unlikely that the font he created for this version of Kryptonian was ever going to see the light of day. Despite having fallen into disuse and obscurity, I still felt it a shame that the font didn't exist. Now, I am pleased to announce that I have recreated the entire font with all 118 of Bridwell's (ridiculous) letters, as well as Turniansky's numbers and punctuation.

Since the original font was a low-res, bitmap font, I took a little bit of liberty by creating the characters as a more of a brush script similar to Chinese/Japanese writing. I felt that the font as a whole was served best by going with this style rather than a machine/mechanical look.

After having gone through every single letter in this alphabet, one thing is clear: Bridwell was definitely not a linguist. If he really needed to get hit the 118 character magic number, he would have been much better off creating a syllabary. As it were, there are many ludicrous consonant clusters represented—kind of fitting considering some of the ludicrous stories that came out of the Silver and Bronze age. I choose to view it as a fun homage to a bygone era.

Download the Font Here...

Font Character Map

Most of the basic consonants are mapped logically to the keyboard, e.g. k=k, t=t, s=s, and so on. Some of the mappings for single consonants are borrowed from my own Kryptonian font, e.g. sh=S, th=T, ch=c, and so on. Likewise, vowels are mapped similar to my font with a couple of differences and additions. Numbers and punctuation are all where you would expect (with a little caveat with quotes).

All the consonant cluster characters (and there are a TON) are just arbitrarily mapped to other characters. I attempted to use all the normal keys on the keyboard before using any of the special characters, and all of the special characters can be typed with option or option+shift key combinations on a Mac (not sure how that works out on Windows).

Bottom line: you can't necessarily just type and expect the sounds of the Kryptonese characters to be the same as what you typed.

The list below shows the Kryptonese character with a pronunciation in IPA to the immediate right, and the character it is mapped to on the far (light-on-dark text).


i [i] i I [ɪ] I A [a͡ɪ] A O [a͡ʊ] O ø [o͡ɪ] ø a [ɑ] a ó [ɔ] ó e [ɛ] e ù [ʊ] ù æ [æ] æ U [ʌ] U E [e] E o [o] o u [u] u


b [b] b p [p] p v [v] v f [f] f d [d] d t [t] t g [g] g k [k] k z [z] z s [s] s Z [ʒ] Z S [ʃ] S D [ð] D T [θ] T K [x] K r [ɹ] r l [l] l y [j] y j [ʤ] j c [ʧ] c m [m] m n [n] n w [w] w h [h] h N [ŋ] N

Consonant Clusters

B [bw] B P [pw] P V [vw] V F [fw] F Q [dw] Q J [tw] J G [gw] G q [kw] q W [zw] W C [sw] C R [ɹw] R L [lw] L M [mw] M ¡ [nw] ¡ H [hw] H

~ [bl] ~ @ [pl] @ [vl] # [fl] # [dl] [tl] $ [gl] $ % [kl] % Ω [zl] Ω ^ [sl] ^ œ [ml] œ Œ [nl] Œ [hl]

[bj] [pj] [vj] ƒ [fj] ƒ [dj] [tj] Ç [gj] Ç © [kj] © ç [zj] ç ß [sj] ß ® [ɹj] ® Y [lj] Y µ [mj] µ ñ [nj] ñ [wj] [hj]

[ [bɹ] [ ] [pɹ] ] / [vɹ] / = [fɹ] = + [dɹ] + * [tɹ] * & [gɹ] & X [kɹ] X < [zɹ] < > [sɹ] > § [mɹ] § Æ [nɹ] Æ ÷ [hɹ] ÷

« [bd] « » [bz] »

` [pt] ` π [ps] π

[dv] å [dz] å

[tf] [ts]

£ [gz] £

x [ks] x

[zb] ¢ [zv] ¢ ¿ [zd] ¿ [zg] [zm] ¥ [zn] ¥

; [sp] ; : [sf] : { [st] { } [sk] } \ [sm] \ | [sn] |


1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 0 0


. . , , ! ! ? ? ( ( ) ) - - _ _

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