I decided to build this little tool to help speed up the translation process for me. I figured I would throw it up here so that everyone could have fun with it! Basically it just parses through a string to insert all the correct ideographic symbols and double-letter symbols. For example, "rrutiv " (note the trailing space) would get changed to >qV (which is ">qV" in the Kryptonian font). Just type in the Kryptonese field, and it will auto-populate the Kryptonian field. Pretty slick, huh?!
JUST TO BE CLEAR: typing English (or anything other than Kryptonese) into the Kryptonese field will NOT produce Kryptonian. In other words:
THIS IS NOT A TRANSLATOR! Any meaningless gibberish that you end up tattooing to yourself is your own problem.
Rules for Usage
The parsing engine depends, mostly, on properly formed and punctuated Kryptonian sentences in order to properly detect some of the particles, symbols, etc.
For most of the symbols, the script is also looking for a trailing space (this helps eliminate false positives).
For the engine to recognize a verb suffix, you must append "=" to the end of the suffix.
For the engine to recognize a verb prefix, you must append "-" to the end of the prefix.
This is just for fun (and mostly for my own use) so don't complain if it eats your homework or something! ;)