Ideography Overview

Based on feedback, it seems that this aspect of Kryptonian writing is the most popular. I'm guessing because this form of writing is the most foreign (and, thus, attractive) to native English speakers. I also think that it has become popular (mainly via sinographs) to utilize a single symbol to "mysteriously" display some important thing or other... which is, I guess, perfect for tattoos... you'd be surprised how often people ask me about this for the purpose of a tattoo...


The mainstream use of ideographs in Kryptonian society, as noted above, was almost exclusively used not for "cool" things like "Truth" or "Power" or "I Heart Mom", but for your mundane grammatical functions like "present progressive tense" or "imperative" or "instrument". As noted elsewhere, there were several ideographs that represented things like "hope" and so forth, but these were rarely in widespread use - especially in day-to-day writing (they were mostly ceremonial in use and, even then, rarely) and varied widely in their representation from location to location. The free-morpheme ideographs are almost all hold-overs from older languages and orthographies which were rendered obsolete by Val-Zho's new language for the unified planetary government. As such, the records of these symbols that survived the destruction of Krypton with Kal-El were far from exhaustive.

The Symbols

Font Note

Don't expect the letters/symbols that these characters are mapped to in the font to make too much sense. In some cases, they are mapped in a scheme, e.g., the verb tenses. In other cases, I just had to use whatever symbols hadn't already been mapped.


Kryptonese / w /  :: 
IPA [ ]  :: 
Font W
Description: Marks the direct object.
Kryptonese / ni /  :: 
IPA [ ni ]  :: 
Font I
Description: Marks the indirect object.
Kryptonese / ki /  :: 
IPA [ ki ]  :: 
Font K
Description: Marks the grammatic agent.
Kryptonese / zw /  :: 
IPA [ zwə ]  :: 
Font Q
Description: Marks a relative clause. Preceding noun is the subject of the relative clause.
Kryptonese / to /  :: 
IPA [ to ]  :: 
Font P
Description: Marks a "passive" relative clause. Preceding noun is the object of the relative clause.
Kryptonese / tiv… /  :: 
IPA [ tiv… ]  :: 
Font V
Description: Definite article. NOTE: this particle varies in pronunciation depending on context. Listed here is the most common pronunciation, but please look at the articles page for more information and pronunciation variation. This ideograph can also be seen in the alienable possessive articles.
Kryptonese / zhi /  :: 
IPA [ ʒi ]  :: 
Font \
Description: Affirmative / Augmentative. On its own it is "Yes". As a prefix for an adverb/adjective it serves as an augmentative. As a prefix on a verb it acts as an obligatory ("must").
Kryptonese / zha /  :: 
IPA [ ʒæ ]  :: 
Font |
Description: Negative. On its own it is "No". As a prefix it is a negator.


Note that the gender-neutral pronunciation is provided. For more information on pronouns, please the pronouns page. Gender can be indicated on on the pronoun by a single dot (feminine) or two dots (masculine) below the pronoun symbol, with the exception of the inanimate pronoun which does not carry gender.

Also note: The absence of a dot does not preclude the use of the gendered form.

Kryptonese / khuhp /  :: 
IPA [ xʌp ]  :: 
Font x
Description: 1st-Person Singular
Kryptonese / kryp /  :: 
IPA [ kɹɪp ]  :: 
Font X
Description: 1st-Person Plural
Kryptonese / rraop /  :: 
IPA [ ra͡ʊp ]  :: 
Font q
Description: 2nd-Person
Kryptonese / zhehd /  :: 
IPA [ ʒɛd ]  :: 
Font C
Description: 3rd-Person Sentient
Kryptonese / ghao /  :: 
IPA [ ʝa͡ʊ ]  :: 
Font F
Description: 3rd-Person Non-sentient
Kryptonese / gehd /  :: 
IPA [ gɛd ]  :: 
Font L
Description: 3rd-Person Inanimate
Kryptonese / /  :: 
IPA [ ]  :: 
Description: Combining character to indicate Feminine
Kryptonese / /  :: 
IPA [ ]  :: 
Description: Combining character to indicate Masculine


All but one of the honorofics also serve as familial possessives. Please see the familial possessives page for more information. However, note here that there is no 3rd person familial non-sentient honorific… so, in Kryptonian, the effect of calling your cat "Mr. Whiskers" with a familial honorific would, more often than not, be more demeaning to you (or someone else)—implying you/they are related to an animal—than anthropomorphic to your cat.

Kryptonese / te /  :: 
IPA [ te ]  :: 
Font H
Description: 1st-Person Singular Familial Possessive / Honorific
Kryptonese / kah /  :: 
IPA [ ]  :: 
Font J
Description: 1st-Person Plural Familial Possessive / Honorific
Kryptonese / ni /  :: 
IPA [ ni ]  :: 
Font N
Description: 2nd-Person Familial Possessive / Honorific
Kryptonese / cheh /  :: 
IPA [ ʧɛ ]  :: 
Font B
Description: 3rd-Person Familial Possessive / Honorific
Kryptonese / jran /  :: 
IPA [ ʤɹæn ]  :: 
Font M
Description: Non-Familial Honorific

Verb Prefixes

Kryptonese / ta /  :: 
IPA [ ]  :: 
Font ¿
Description: Interrogative (question). Almost always written underneath sentence punctuation: .?. NOTE: The combining character is '?' not '¿'.
Kryptonese / kao /  :: 
IPA [ ka͡ʊ ]  :: 
Font Y
Description: Imperative (giving a command)
Kryptonese / sokao /  :: 
IPA [ so.ka͡ʊ ]  :: 
Font Ÿ
Description: Polite Imperative ("please do...")
Kryptonese / zhao /  :: 
IPA [ ʒa͡ʊ ]  :: 
Font ç
Description: Prohibitive ("you aren't allowed to...")
Kryptonese / sozhao /  :: 
IPA [ so.ka͡ʊ ]  :: 
Font Ç
Description: Polite Prohibitive ("please don't do...")
Kryptonese / le /  :: 
IPA [ le ]  :: 
Font £
Description: Exhortative ("should")
Kryptonese / bah /  :: 
IPA [ ]  :: 
Description: Cohortative ("let us do...")
Kryptonese / kah /  :: 
IPA [ ]  :: 
Font "
Description: Hypothetical / Subjunctive
Kryptonese / kai /  :: 
IPA [ ka͡ɪ ]  :: 
Font '
Description: Potential ("able to do...")
The Vowel Chart & Verbs
Tense ! @ # Future
$ % ^ Present
& * ( Past
Progressive Perfective Simple
fig. 1

Verb Suffixes

Verb tense and aspect is indicated through suffixes. The vowels in these suffixes conveniently conform to the vowel chart (fig. 1)—yet another reason to learn the vowel chart ordering.

Kryptonese / i /  :: 
IPA [ i ]  :: 
Font !
Description: Future progressive verb suffix
Kryptonese / ao /  :: 
IPA [ a͡ʊ ]  :: 
Font @
Description: Future perfective verb suffix
Kryptonese / u /  :: 
IPA [ u ]  :: 
Font #
Description: Simple future verb suffix
Kryptonese / es /  :: 
IPA [ es ]  :: 
Font $
Description: Present progressive verb suffix
Kryptonese / ehth /  :: 
IPA [ ɛθ ]  :: 
Font %
Description: Present perfective verb suffix
Kryptonese / odh /  :: 
IPA [ ]  :: 
Font ^
Description: Simple present verb suffix
Kryptonese / as /  :: 
IPA [ æs ]  :: 
Font &
Description: Past progressive verb suffix
Kryptonese / uhsh /  :: 
IPA [ ʌʃ ]  :: 
Font *
Description: Past perfective verb suffix
Kryptonese / ahzh /  :: 
IPA [ ɑʒ ]  :: 
Font (
Description: Simple past verb suffix

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