
Enjoy some links to fun (mostly) Superman/Krypton-related websites!

Krypton Websites

A clean wiki with some good info.

Here's the Wikipedia entry on all things Kryptonian. Have fun following the rabbit trail of links!

Superman Websites

This is one of the best, and most thorough, superman websites I've ever seen - an invaluable source of information on all things related to Superman & Krypton.

More Superman info than you can shake a stick at!

Lots of good info, artwork, merchandise, and more - and a beautiful interface.

The Comic Vine wiki is very clean, and has lots of useful info on the Man of Steel.

This is DC Comic's official superman page.

A beautiful website for "The latest Superman, Smallville, and DC Comics news."

Smallville Websites

The official Smallville page on the CW network's website.

Effects shot of Krypton's destruction from Smallville. Stunning and beautiful.

An entire wiki dedicated to Smallville... information overload imminent.

Need to get caught up on what's happening on Smallville? This is a quick no-nonsense guide to every episode of Smallville replete with plot recaps and trivia.

Fun Stuff

Confessions of a Superman Fan is a wonderfully entertaining blog.

Laugh-out-loud look at some of the more outrageous moment's in Superman's history.

Language Stuff

The International Phonetic Alphabet is a reliable and accurate (mostly) way to write down the speech of any language, and it is used throughout this site. The Paul Meier Dialect Services website has some extremely useful interactive IPA charts—click on a letter and hear the sound that it represents! The perfect helper for learning IPA.

The group responsible for the somewhat regular Language Creation Conference.

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Mar 09 2018  |  Comments: 6
Feb 07 2018  |  Comments: 11
Dec 04 2017  |  Comments: 4
Nov 12 2017  |  Comments: 5
Mar 14 2016  |  Comments: 7
Dec 18 2014  |  Comments: 0
Aug 21 2013  |  Comments: 6
Jul 29 2013  |  Comments: 2
Jul 21 2013  |  Comments: 5